Zen-events with Zen Master Zensho

Zen-events with Zen Master Zensho

Lecture - Encounter - Meditation

Several times a month, the Zen Center Tao Chan in Wiesbaden organises an online Zen-evening with a recorded talk by Zen Master Zensho. Furthermore, from May to September, weather permitting, there is also a Zen-night in the "Rheingau" area, close to Wiesbaden. Guests are welcome to attend both. There is also the opportunity to ask the master questions.

Regardless of previous knowledge and religious affiliation, the Zen events can be an inspiring spiritual experience. The Zen meditation gives us an opportunity to see into the profound, fundamental nature of our true essence.

The Zen event begins with an introduction to Zen meditation by our authorised Zen instructors. These are students of the master who have been with him for many years. During the introduction, posture, breathing and the state of awareness required during both sitting and walking meditation are thoroughly explained.

The introduction is particularly helpful for beginners and those who are participating for the first time. Any questions you might have will be dealt with right away.

Once the introduction is completed, the main part of the event begins. This comprises of two to three periods of sitting meditation (each ca. 20 minutes), followed by walking meditation (kinhin, ca. 10 minutes).

The real highlight of the event is the lecture by Zensho (ca. 45 minutes, in German). In these lectures we experience the boundless love and spiritual force that only an enlightened master can convey.

At the end of the Zen event there is the possibility for participants to contact the master and ask their questions. This opens a very special opportunity for a heart-to-heart encounter with the master that can form the foundation for later becoming a student of the master.

Itinerary for the Online Zen-Evening

  • 7:00pm CET: introduction
  • 7:30pm: Meditation start:
    Meditation in sitting (20 min.)
    Walking meditation (10 min.)
    Meditation in sitting (20 min.)
  • 8:20pm: short break (10 min.)
  • 8:30pm: Online video-talk by Zensho
  • ca. 9:15pm: End of the event

Itinerary for the Zen-Night in the "Rheingau"

Meditation cushions or benches and blankets are available.
Free overnight stay is possible on request: a tent will be provided.
Please bring your own sleeping bag and food.

  • 8:30pm Personal welcome by one of our Zen instructors. A tour around the site, followed by a short introduction.
  • 9:00am The Zen-night begins. Ca. 3 Zen meditation periods, each 20 min in length and each followed by walking meditation (Kinhin), ca. 15min.
  • A break of 30 min.
  • Further rounds of meditation and Kinhin.
  • 0:30am The talk by Zen Master Zensho.
  • Small break of around 10 min.
  • Short concluding talk by Zensho.

Information and registration

For further information and registration, please use the button "Information and registration"


Online Zen-Evening

27. July 2024

Information and registration

Zen-Night in the Rheingau

3. August 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

10. August 2024

Information and registration

Zen-Night in the Rheingau

17. August 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

24. August 2024

Information and registration

Zen-Night in the Rheingau

7. September 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

14. September 2024

Information and registration

Zen-Night in the Rheingau

21. September 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

28. September 2024

Information and registration

Zen-Night in the Rheingau

5. October 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

12. October 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

26. October 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

9. November 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

23. November 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

14. December 2024

Information and registration

Online Zen-Evening

28. December 2024

Information and registration