
We need your support for our society!

The nonprofitmaking society, Tao Chan Center e.V., founded in 1993, is supported by its members and runs the Zen Center Tao Chan in Wiesbaden.

The intention of the society is to foster, develop, and make public the ancient Chinese teachings of wisdom of Tao Chan. Tao Chan is a school of Zen Buddhism whose main concern is the attainment of self-knowledge and self-realisation in mankind. Its goal is the dissolution of human suffering through spiritual realisation. It therefore fosters dignity, equality, and freedom for all, regardless of nationality, skin colour or religion.

In this way it promotes and deepens a peaceful dialogue between religions, for example between Christian mysticism and eastern spirituality, and accentuates the common ground between religions.

The society’s practical work takes its form in weekly meditation practice. Twice a month, on a Saturday, an online meditation seminar takes place under the instruction of Zen Master Zensho.

Please make your donation to the following account:
Account: 137039206
Bank identification code: 510 500 15
Bank: Nassauische Sparkasse Wiesbaden
IBAN: DE24 5105 0015 0137 039206

If you have any questions concerning the work undertaken by our society we will be pleased to answer them.

Donation certificate:

As a nonprofitmaking society, according to § 44a paragraph 4 of German income tax law we are exempt from corporate income tax (§ 5 paragraph 1 Nr. 9 corporate tax laws) and are authorised to issue donation receipts using the mandatory official forms (§50 paragraph 1 EstDV).
In order that we may send you a donation receipt please either write your address on the credit transfer form under Purpose (Verwendungszweck) next to the word Donation, or send us your address by post, fax, or mail.
Society details:
Tao Chan Center e.V.
Marcobrunnerstraße 18, 65197 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 – 89 03 69 53
With grateful thanks for your donation:
Managing Board
Tao Chan Center e.V